HELCOM Manuals and Guidelines: Recent submissions
Now showing items 1-20 of 42
Marine HNS Response Manual: Multi-regional Bonn Agreement, HELCOM, REMPEC.
(Project WestMopoco, 2021)Maritime transport is often described as “the backbone of globalized trade and the manufacturing supply chain”, since more than 80% of the global merchandise trade by volume is carried by sea. Some of the goods ... -
HELCOM Indicator Manual. Version 2020-1.
(HELCOM, Helsinki, Finland, 2020)The HELCOM indicators are a critical component of the Baltic Sea Action Plan (BSAP) and its approach to the assessment of good ecological/environmental status (referred to as ‘good status’ from here on) in the marine ... -
Guidelines for monitoring of mesozooplankton.
(HELCOM, Helsinki, Finland, 2021)The mesozooplankton is a size fraction of zooplankton community (0.2 to 20 mm) that is addressed in the HELCOM- monitoring guidelines. Mesozooplankton constitute an important part of zooplankton in the pelagic food webs, ... -
HELCOM Guidelines for the annual and periodical compilation and reporting of waterborne pollution inputs to the Baltic Sea (PLC-Water)
(HELCOM, Helsinki, Finland, 2022)Since the establishment of the Convention for the Protection of the Marine Environment of the Baltic Sea Area (Helsinki Convention) in 1974, the Commission for the Protection of the Marine Environment of the Baltic Sea ... -
Guidelines for monitoring seabirds at sea.
(HELCOM, Helsinki, Finland, 2021)The efforts of HELCOM to conserve the Baltic Sea environment are aggregated in its Baltic Sea Action Plan. Measures to guarantee the environmental integrity of the Baltic Sea need to be backed by science-based environmental ... -
Baltic Sea Clean Shipping Guide 2016 : Information for mariners on environmental and safety of navigation measures in the Baltic Sea.
(HELCOM, Helsinki, Finland, 2016)This information publication aims to give you a general overview of the regional environmental and safety of navigation measures applied in the Baltic Sea to maritime traffic. The focus is on commercial shipping which ... -
Guidelines for coastal fish monitoring.
(HELCOM, Helsinki, Finland, 2019)Coastal fish communities are influenced by a plethora of impacting variables, including human-induced pressures related to overexploitation, climate change, eutrophication, contaminants, habitat degradation, effects of ... -
HELCOM Guidelines for Management of Dredged Material at Sea and HELCOM Reporting Format for Management of Dredged Material at Sea . Adopted by HELCOM 36-2015 on 4 March 2015 and amended by HELCOM 41-2020 on 4 March 2020.
(HELCOM, Helsinki, Finland, 2016)Scope: 2.1 The guidelines are designed to assist Contracting Parties in the management of dredged material in ways that will prevent and eliminate pollution in accordance with Article 3 to the 1992 Helsinki Convention, ... -
HELCOM Manual on Co-operation in Response to Marine Pollution: within the framework of the Helsinki Convention.
(HELCOM, Helsinki, Finland, 2021)According to the Helsinki Convention the Contracting Parties shall agree bi- or multilaterally on those regions of the Baltic Sea, in which they act together. This is to maintain ability to respond to spillages of oil and ... -
Guidelines for collecting citizen observations on non-indigenous species (NIS).
(HELCOM, Helsinki, Finland, 2021)Monitoring of non-indigenous species (NIS) is required through several international agreements and guidelines, such as the EU Regulation on Invasive Alien Species (The European Parliament and the Council of the European ... -
HELCOM Guidelines for monitoring beach litter.
(HELCOM, Helsinki, Finland, 2021)Litter on the coastline is one of the most obvious signs of marine litter. Surveys of litter on the beach allow for a detailed evaluation of litter in terms of amounts and composition. Its strength lies in the provision ... -
Guidelines for monitoring of phytoplankton species composition, abundance and biomass.
(HELCOM, Helsinki, Finland, 2021)Long-term monitoring has enabled determination of the annual phytoplankton succession and facilitates the recognizing of aberrant phenomena and their progression in the phytoplankton community (e.g. Hajdu et al. 2006, ... -
Guidelines for the monitoring of marinas.
(HELCOM, Helsinki, Finland, 2021)NIS monitoring in major commercial ports has been guided by the Joint Harmonized Procedure of the HELCOM and OSPAR (HELCOM & OSPAR, 2013). However, monitoring of marinas has received less attention until now. PVC fouling ... -
Guidelines for the monitoring of mobile and sessile epifauna.
(HELCOM, Helsinki, Finland, 2021)The Joint Harmonized Procedure by HELCOM and OSPAR (HELCOM & OSPAR, 2013) has been used to monitor mobile and sessile epifauna among other taxa, but only in port areas, and further observations on the presence of these ... -
Guidelines for the monitoring of target non-indigenous species using molecular methods.
(HELCOM, Helsinki, Finland, 2021)These guidelines describe the use of molecular methods for detection of target non-indigenous invasive species. The “target species” are those that “meet specific criteria indicating that they may impair or damage the ... -
Technical annex on the determination of Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) in biota.
(HELCOM, Helsinki, Finland, 2021)(PFAAs) are global environmental contaminants. PFOS and PFOA are chemically and biologically inert and very stable (Poulsen et al. 2005). PFOS meets the P (Persistent) and vP (very Persistent) criteria due to slow degradation. ... -
Guidelines on transboundary MSP output data structure in the Baltic Sea.
(HELCOM, Helsinki, Finland, 2019)The goal of these Guidelines on transboundary maritime spatial planning (MSP) output data structure (Guidelines) is to facilitate data availability and coherence of MSP, as well as transboundary cooperation under ... -
Guidelines for Sea-Based Measures to Manage Internal Nutrient Reserves in the Baltic Sea Region.
(HELCOM, Helsinki, Finland, 2021)The aim of these guidelines is to provide guidance for researchers planning to undertake research projects and for operators and environmental managers planning to implement activities designed to reduce the negative impacts ... -
Guidelines for sampling and determination of total phosphorus.
(HELCOM, Helsinki, Finland, 2017)While determination of dissolved phosphate gives information on the bioavailable pool of phosphorus, an assessment of the total amount of phosphorus is also essential. Total phosphorus includes all organic and inorganic ... -
Draft guidelines for sampling and determination of total nitrogen.
(HELCOM, Helsinki, Finland, 2017)Total nitrogen includes all organic and inorganic forms of nitrogen, dissolved as well as suspended or particulate. The results are an estimation of the total amount of nitrogen, not only the dissolved bioavailable ...