OSPAR Community Practices
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Convention-wide Practices and Procedures in relation to marine dumped chemical weapons and munitions (2004 Update).
(OSPAR Commission, London, UK, 2004)As part of a broader overview of the issue of dumped conventional and chemical munitions in the OSPAR area, in response to a request by OSPAR (OSPAR 00/20/1, §10.15), Ireland has prepared the following assessment of the ... -
CEMP Guidelines for marine monitoring and assessment of beach litter.
(OSPAR Commission, London, UK, 2020)1.1. The reduction of pollution of the marine environment by macro- and microlitter is one of the great environmental challenges facing society today. 1.2. Under its draft North-East Atlantic Environment (NEAE) Strategy ... -
OSPAR inventory of measures to mitigate the emission and environmental impact of underwater noise (2016 update).
(OSPAR Commission, London, UK, 2016)The 2009 JAMP Assessment on the environmental impact of underwater noise recommended amongst others that OSPAR Contracting Parties in a next step should develop guidance on measures to mitigate noise emissions and the ... -
Guideline for Monitoring Marine Litter on the Beaches in the OSPAR Maritime Area. Edition 1.0.
(OSPAR Commission, London, UK, 2010)A guideline for monitoring marine litter on beaches has been developed by OSPAR as a tool to collect data on litter in the marine environment. This tool has been designed to generate data on marine litter according ... -
OSPAR scoping study on best practices for the design and recycling of fishing gear as a means to reduce quantities of fishing gear found as marine litter in the North-East Atlantic.
(OSPAR Commission, London, UK, 2020)The OSPAR Convention is the mechanism by which 15 Governments and the EU cooperate to protect the marine environment of the North‐East Atlantic. In 2014, OSPAR adopted a Regional Action Plan for Marine Litter (RAP ML), ... -
Guidelines for the Implementation of Articles 7 and 9 of Annex II to the OSPAR Convention. (Agreement 2012-01).
(OSPAR Commission, London, UK, 2012)Procedures and criteria for determining and addressing Force Majeure situations as referred to in Article 7 of Annex II of OSPAR Convention / Procedures and criteria for determining and addressing emergency situations as ...