OBPS: Recent submissions
Now showing items 61-80 of 2016
Handbook of methods for the analysis of the various parameters of the carbon dioxide system in sea water. Version 2.
(Oak Ridge National Lab. (ORNL), Oak Ridge, TN, 1994)The collection of extensive, reliable, oceanic carbon data is a key component of the Joint Global Ocean Flux Study (JGOFS). A portion of the US JGOFS oceanic carbon dioxide measurements will be made during the World Ocean ... -
Basic fishing methods: a comprehensive guide to commercial fishing methods.
(Seafish, Edinburgh, Scotland, 2022)Basic Fishing Methods provides a wealth of basic knowledge on how wild fish and shellfish are caught using a range of fishing methods. You may be keen to see how different types of gear work, or just interested in the ... -
Fishing for data and sorting the catch: assessing the data quality, completeness and fitness for use of data in marine biogeographic databases.
(2015)Being able to assess the quality and level of completeness of data has become indispensable in marine biodiversity research, especially when dealing with large databases that typically compile data from a variety of ... -
D2.1: Upgraded guidelines for data pre-processing and population of metadata. Technical report.
(EMODnet Bathymetry, 2021)The first phase of the project is dedicated to gathering new bathymetric data sets such as survey data sets, composite DTMs, and Satellite Derived Bathymetry (also considered as composite DTMs) by all data providers. The ... -
Use of the dataset Quality Index to expand services associated to the EMODnet DTM. Version 12-01-2023.
(EMODnet Bathymetry, 2023)EMODnet bathymetry is composed of a large number of datasets from many data providers. Users of the resulting grid and associated datasets need to be able to evaluate the quality of the bathymetric product and associated ... -
Rules of Procedure for IODE Programme Components, Programme Activities and Projects.
(UNESCO, Paris, France, 2023)Since the creation of the first IODE projects in the 1990s the terms of reference of a IODE Project and Steering Group have been defined by a Recommendation submitted by the IODE Committee to the IOC Governing body (in ... -
Advancing real-time pH sensing capabilities to monitor coastal acidification as measured in a productive and dynamic estuary (Rıá de Arousa, NW Spain).
(2022)Ocean acidification has critical impacts on marine ecosystems, but presents knowledge gaps on the ecological impacts requiring large-scale monitoring of physicochemical conditions to predict biological responses to ocean ... -
Quantifying 210Po/210Pb Disequilibrium in Seawater: A Comparison of Two Precipitation Methods With Differing Results.
(2021)The disequilibrium between lead-210 (210Pb) and polonium-210 (210Po) is increasingly used in oceanography to quantify particulate organic carbon (POC) export from the upper ocean. This proxy is based on the deficits of ... -
Modified FlowCAM procedure for quantifying size distribution of zooplankton with sample recycling capacity.
(2017)We have developed a modified FlowCAM procedure for efficiently quantifying the size distribution of zooplankton. The modified method offers the following new features: 1) prevents animals from settling and clogging with ... -
Designing Monitoring Programs for Marine Protected Areas Within an Evidence Based Decision Making Paradigm.
(2019)The Evidence Based Decision Making (EBDM) paradigm encourages managers to base their decisions on the strongest available evidence, but it has been criticized for placing too much emphasis on the choice of study design ... -
Marine HNS Response Manual: Multi-regional Bonn Agreement, HELCOM, REMPEC.
(Project WestMopoco, 2021)Maritime transport is often described as “the backbone of globalized trade and the manufacturing supply chain”, since more than 80% of the global merchandise trade by volume is carried by sea. Some of the goods ... -
Maori methods and indicators for marine protection : Summary of research findings.
(Ngāti Kere, Ngāti Kōnohi, Ministry for the Environment, Department. of Conservation, Wellington, New Zealand, 2007)As stated in the original research proposal for the Maori Methods and Indicators for Marine Protection project that was submitted to the Ministry of Research, Science and Technology, marine reserves meet many conservation ... -
MEDITS-Handbook. Version n. 9, 2017.
(MEDITS Project, 2017)This document is the ninth version of the first manual elaborated in the frame of the MEDITS international project to harmonise the sampling of demersal resources in the Mediterranean Sea. It is the reference document for ... -
HELCOM Indicator Manual. Version 2020-1.
(HELCOM, Helsinki, Finland, 2020)The HELCOM indicators are a critical component of the Baltic Sea Action Plan (BSAP) and its approach to the assessment of good ecological/environmental status (referred to as ‘good status’ from here on) in the marine ... -
Guidelines for monitoring of mesozooplankton.
(HELCOM, Helsinki, Finland, 2021)The mesozooplankton is a size fraction of zooplankton community (0.2 to 20 mm) that is addressed in the HELCOM- monitoring guidelines. Mesozooplankton constitute an important part of zooplankton in the pelagic food webs, ... -
HELCOM Guidelines for the annual and periodical compilation and reporting of waterborne pollution inputs to the Baltic Sea (PLC-Water)
(HELCOM, Helsinki, Finland, 2022)Since the establishment of the Convention for the Protection of the Marine Environment of the Baltic Sea Area (Helsinki Convention) in 1974, the Commission for the Protection of the Marine Environment of the Baltic Sea ... -
Best practices and common trends of national research infrastructure roadmapping procedures, Monitoring and Evaluation mechanisms including recommendations (D3.4).
(InRoad Project, Brussels, Belgium, 2018)The InRoad Consultation Report and InRoad Compendium provide an overview of national RI roadmapping processes. The data collected revealed a great diversity of purposes and scopes of national RI roadmapping processes in ... -
Best Practices and Procedures for Operationalizing Marine Protected Area Network Monitoring: Synthesis of Global Insights and Recommendations for British Columbia’s Northern Shelf Bioregion.
(ReConnect Consulting and ESSA Technologies, 2023)Marine protected area networks (MPANs)—collections of marine protected areas designed to operate synergistically within a region—offer opportunities for habitat protection at large spatial scales while still allowing ... -
Comparison of two rapid automated analysis tools for large FTIR microplastic datasets.
(2023)One of the biggest issues in microplastic (MP, plastic items <5 mm) research is the lack of standardisation and harmonisation in all fields, reaching from sampling methodology to sample purification, analytical methods ... -
Methods and tools for Citizen Participation and Co-Creation.
(Norwegian Research Centre AS (NORCE), Arendal, Norway, 2020)This document presents a selection of 40 tools or methodologies for citizen involvement in the form of meeting places, participation in planning processes, dialogue through digital tools, knowledge acquisition and new ...