Browsing ⇒ POLAR Collaborations by Issue Date
Now showing items 1-20 of 252
High-latitude surface temperature estimates from thermal satellite data.
(1997)The surface temperature of the polar regions controls sea ice growth, snow melt, and surface-atmosphere energy exchange. However, our limited knowledge of polar surfaces and atmospheres has hampered the development of ... -
Oligotrophy and pelagic marine bacteria: Facts and fiction.
(1997)Oligotrophy, or the inability of bacterial cells to propagate at elevated nutrient concentrations, is a controversial phenomenon in microbiology. The exact cause of the unculturability of many indigenous marine bacteria ... -
Oceanographic and Marine Meteorological Observations in the Polar Regions - A report to the Joint WMO-IOC Technical Commission for Oceanography and Marine Meteorology.
(WMO & IOC, Observations Coordination Group (OCG), 2000)In Geneva, December 6-8, 1999, a meeting of experts was held to discuss a JCOMM/GOOS Polar Region Strategy. It was agreed on the importance of developing an integrated Polar Region Strategy Document for JCOMM. This document ... -
Final Report of the Inuit Bowhead Knowledge Study, Nunavut, Canada.
(Nunavut Wildlife Management Board, Nunavut, Canada, 2000)As mandated by the Nunavut Land Claims Agreement of 1993, Inuit knowledge of bowhead whales in Nunavut, Canada was collected by means of 257 individual interviews with 252 Inuit hunters and elders in 18 ... -
Influence of crude oil on changes of bacterial communities in Arctic sea-ice.
(2005)The danger of a petroleum hydrocarbon spillage in the polar, ice-covered regions is increasing due to oil exploration in Arctic offshore areas and a growing interest in using the Northern Sea Route (NSR) as an alternative ... -
Sea-Ice Information Services in the World. 3rd Edition, 2006 [SUPERSEDED by]
(JCOMM via ET-SI, Expert Team on Sea Ice, 2006)The WMO publication Sea-Ice Information Services in the World (WMO-No. 574) was first published in 1981. Many ocean and sea areas of the world, in addition tothe polar seas, are susceptible to sea ice (for example, the ... -
Final Report. Sustainable model for Arctic Regional Tourism.
(State Provincial Office of Lapland and Kemi-Tornio University of Applied Sciences, Finland., Rovaniemi, Finland, 2006)he purpose of the Sustainable model for Arctic Regional Tourism (SMART) – project was to assist the arctic tourism sector, mainly local small- to medium-sized tourism businesses (SMEs) and other local stakeholders to develop ... -
Electronic Chart Systems Ice Objects Catalogue. Version 4. [SUPERSEDED by]
(Canadian Ice Service, Ottawa, Canada, 2007)A number of northern nations, particularly, Canada, Denmark, Germany, Norway, Russian Federation, the United States, and those bordering on the Baltic Sea, maintain Ice Services (for a complete list of national ice services ... -
Negotiating Research Relationships with Inuit Communities: a Guide for Researchers.
(Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami and Nunavut Research Institute, Ottawa and Iqualuit, 2007)Northern researchers are ever-aware of the growing expectations on them to ensure that northern communities are involved in, and benefit from, research. But what are researchers really being asked to do? How can community ... -
Handbook for community-based sea ice monitoring.
(National Snow and Ice Data Center, Boulder, Colorado, 2008)This handbook was originally compiled as a reference for local observers carrying out sea ice measurements as part of a community-based sea ice observation network for the Siku-Inuit-Hila project, an NSF-funded project ... -
WMO Sea-ice Nomenclature, WMO/OMM/ВМО - No.259 Suppl.No.5. Linguistic equivalents.
(JCOMM Expert Team on Sea Ice, Geneva, Switzerland, 2009)Describes WMO Sea-ice terminology, with linguistic equivalents -
Best Practices in Ecosystem-based Oceans Management in the Arctic.
(Norsk Polarinstitutt, Tromso, Norway, 2009)The aggregate effects of multiple uses of the oceans – fishing, transportation, petroleum development, waste disposal, etc. – call for an ecosystem-based approach to oceans management. The need for oceans management ... -
Referat af workshop med kommune og borgere om projektet ”Åbne døre for lokal viden”
(NORDECO, Copenhagen, Denmark, 2009)Proceedings from Kick Off Workshop for the project "Opening Doors to Native Knowledge" or PISUNA (Piniakkanik Sumiiffinni Nalunaarsuineq). The workshop was held in Ilulissat, 11 Nov 2009 The Greenland Government with ... -
Sea-ice information services in the world. Edition 2010. [SUPERSEDED by]
(World Meteorological Organization, Geneva, Switzerland, 2010)The WMO publication ‘Sea Ice Information Services in the World’ (WMO No. 574) is intended to provide to mariners and other users the latest snapshot of the sea ice services available world-wide, effectively extending the ... -
Modeling the temperature evolution of Svalbard permafrost during the 20th and 21st century.
(2011)Variations in ground thermal conditions in Svalbard were studied based on measurements and modelling. Ground temperature data from boreholes were used to calibrate a transient heat flow model describing depth and time ... -
Ethical guidelines for the documentation of árbediehtu, Sami traditional knowledge.
(Sámi allaskuvla / Sámi University College, Guovdageaidnu, Norway, 2011)Documentation of the traditional knowledge of indigenous peoples is becoming increasingly common; one reason for this is that such knowledge is becoming ever weaker and even in some cases disappearing. This is partly due ... -
Arctic Marine Biodiversity Monitoring Plan (CBMP-MARINE PLAN).
(CAFF International Secretariat, Akureyri, Iceland, 2011)Arctic biodiversity is under growing pressure from both climate change and resource development, requiring both managers and users to have access to more complete information to help them make timely and informed conservation ... -
Search for Hydrophilic Marine Fungal Metabolites: a Rational Approach for their Production and Extraction in a Bioactivity Screening Context.
(2011)In the search for bioactive natural products, our lab screens hydrophobic extracts from marine fungal strains. While hydrophilic active substances were recently identified from marine macro-organisms, there was a lack of ... -
Cornice dynamics and meteorological control at Gruvefjellet, Central Svalbard.
(2012)Cornice fall avalanches endanger life and infrastructure in Nybyen, a part of Svalbard’s main settlement Longyearbyen, located at 78◦ N in the High Arctic. Thus, cornice dynamics – accretion, cracking and eventual failure ... -
Electronic Chart Systems Ice Objects Catalogue, Version 5.1. Draft for Approval. February 2012. [SUPERSEDED by]
(WMO/JCOMM Expert Team on Sea Ice, Geneva, Switzerland, 2012)Many Arctic and Baltic nations maintain Ice Services and issue ice charts on a regular basis when marine activities are occurring in the vicinity of sea ice and icebergs. These ice charts are used on ships as an aid ...