Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • Addressing underwater noise in Europe: Current state of knowledge and future priorities. 

      Thomsen, F.; Mendes, S.; Bertucci, F.; Breitzke, M.; Ciappi, E.; Cresci, A.; Debusscher, E.; Ducatel, C.; Folegot, F.; Juretzek, C.; Lam, F-P.; O’Brien, J.; dos Santos, M. E. (European Marine Board, Ostend, Belgium, 2021)
      Anthropogenic underwater noise impacts have become a hot topic for environmental managers and regulators in Europe and beyond. Sounds from human activity at sea include shipping and other marine craft, construction and ...
    • Advancing Citizen Science for Coastal and Ocean Research. 

      French, Veronica; Kellett, Paula; Delany, Jane; McDonough, Niall (European Marine Board, Ostend, Belgium, 2017)
      Citizen Science is an approach which involves members of the public in gathering scientific data and, in more advanced cases, also involves them in the analysis of such data and in the design of scientific research. ...