Now showing items 1-20 of 43

    • Guide to Best Practices for Ocean CO2 Measurements. 

      Dickson, A G; Sabine, C L; Christian, J R (North Pacific Marine Science Organization, Sidney, British Columbia, 2007)
      The collection of extensive, reliable, oceanic carbon data was a key component of the Joint Global Ocean Flux Study (JGOFS) and World Ocean Circulation Experiment (WOCE) and continues to be a cornerstone of the ...
    • Collaboration in the Ocean Sciences: best practices and common pitfalls. 

      Briscoe, M.G (2008)
      As collaboration among ocean scientists becomes more necessary and common, those who attempt to plan, organize, and implement joint research projects are discovering that collaboration is more difficult than they first ...
    • BCO - DMO Data Management Guidelines Manual: a collection of best practice recommendations for collecting and sharing biogeochemical and ecological oceanographic data and metadata. 

      Biological and Chemical Oceanography Data Management Office (BCO-DMO) (Biological and Chemical Oceanography Data Management Office (BCO-DMO), Woods Hole, MA, 2008)
      The purpose of this document is to provide ocean scientists with a description of "best practices" designed to enable projects to quickly and efficiently make their data publicly available through the auspices of the ...
    • The Law of the Sea: Marine Scientific Research. A revised guide to the implementation of the relevant provisions of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea. 

      United Nations (United Nations Division for Ocean Affairs and the Law of the Sea Office of Legal Affairs, New York, 2010)
      The 1991 Guide “Marine Scientific Research: A Guide to the implementation of the relevant provisions of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea” advises States of the means by which articles in the Convention could ...
    • Audit and certification of trustworthy digital repositories: recommended practice. 

      Consultative Committee for Space Data Systems (CCSDS) (Consultative Committee for Space Data Systems (CCSDS), Washington, DC, 2011)
      This document is a technical Recommendation to use as the basis for providing audit and certification of the trustworthiness of digital repositories. It provides a detailed specification of criteria by ...
    • World Ocean Database 2013. 

      Boyer, T.P.; Antonov, J.I.; Baranova, O.K.; Coleman, C.; Garcia, H.E.; Grodsky, A.; Johnson, D.R.; Locarnini, R.A.; Mishonov, A.V.; O'Brien, T.D.; Paver, C.R.; Reagan, J.R.; Seidov, D.; Smolyar, I.V.; Zweng, M.M. (NOAA Printing Office, Silver Spring, MD, 2013)
      This atlas describes a collection of scientifically quality-controlled ocean profile and plankton data that includes measurements of temperature, salinity, oxygen, phosphate, nitrate, silicate, ...
    • World Ocean Database 2013 Tutorial. 

      Johnson, D.R.; Garcia, H.E.; Boyer, T.P. (National Oceanographic Daata Center, Silver Spring, MD, 2013)
      The purpose of this informal tutorial is to introduce new users to the World Ocean Database 2013 (WOD13), outline the WOD13 environment, and to provide step-by-step examples of: 1) how to select WOD13 online data by ...
    • World Ocean Database 2013 User’s Manual. 

      Johnson, D.R.; Boyer, T.P.; Garcia, H.E.; Locarnini, R.A.; Baranova, O.K.; Zweng, M.M. (NOAA Printing Office, Silver Spring, MD, 2013)
      World Ocean Database 2013 (WOD13) is a scientifically quality-controlled database of selected historical in-situ surface and subsurface oceanographic measurements produced by the Ocean Climate Laboratory (OCL) at the ...
    • Best practices for autonomous measurement of seawater pH with the Honeywell Durafet. 

      Bresnahan Jr., Philip J.; Martz, Todd R.; Takeshita, Yuichiroa; Johnson, Kenneth S (2014)
      Performance of autonomous pH sensors is evaluated by comparing in situ data to independent bench-top measurements of pH and to co-located pH, O2, and pCO2 sensors. While the best practice is always to deploy a properly ...
    • Environmental Data Management Best Practices - basic concepts. Version 1. 

      St Lawrence Global Observatory (St Lawrence Global Observatory, Rimouski, Québec,Canada, 2015)
      Overview of environmental data management principles, methods and resources intended for SLGO members and partners in order to provide basic notions to contribute to better understanding of the data life cycle and to foster ...
    • Methods and Best Practice to Intercompare Dissolved Oxygen Sensors and Fluorometers/Turbidimeters for Oceanographic Applications. 

      Pensieri, Sara; Bozzano, Roberto; Schiano, M. Elisabetta; Ntoumas, Manolis; Potiris, Emmanouil; Frangoulis, Constantin; Podaras, Dimitrios; Petihakis, George (2016)
      In European seas, ocean monitoring strategies in terms of key parameters, space and time scale vary widely for a range of technical and economic reasons. Nonetheless, the growing interest in the ocean interior promotes ...
    • The FAIR Guiding Principles for scientific data management and stewardship. 

      Wilkinson, Mark D.; Dumontier, Michel; Aalbersberg, IJsbrand Jan; Appleton, Gabrielle; Axton, Myles; Baak, Arie; Blomberg, Niklas; Boiten, Jan-Willem; Bonino da Silva Santos, Luiz; Bourne, Philip E.; Bouwman, Jildau; Brookes, Anthony J.; Clark, Tim; Crosas, Mercè; Dillo, Ingrid; Dumon, Olivier; Edmunds, Scott; Evelo, Chris T.; Finkers, Richard; Gonzalez-Beltran, Alejandra; Gray, Alasdair J.G.; Groth, Paul; Goble, Carole; Grethe, Jeffrey S.; Heringa, Jaap; ’t Hoen, Peter A.C.; Hooft, Rob; Kuhn, Tobias; Kok, Ruben; Kok, Joost; Lusher, Scott J.; Martone, Maryann E.; Mons, Albert; Packer, Abel L.; Persson, Bengt; Rocca-Serra, Philippe; Roos, Marco; van Schaik, Rene; Sansone, Susanna-Assunta; Schultes, Erik; Sengstag, Thierry; Slater, Ted; Strawn, George; Swertz, Morris A.; Thompson, Mark; van der Lei, Johan; van Mulligen, Erik; Velterop, Jan; Waagmeester, Andra; Wittenburg, Peter; Wolstencroft, Katherine; Zhao, Jun; Mons, Barend (2016)
      There is an urgent need to improve the infrastructure supporting the reuse of scholarly data. A diverseset of stakeholders—representing academia, industry, funding agencies, and scholarly publishers—have come together to ...
    • Monitoring guidance for marine benthic habitats. 

      Noble-James, T.; Jesus, A.; McBreen, F. (JNCC: Joint Nature Conservation Committee, Peterborough, UK, 2017)
      Marine benthic monitoring programmes produce evidence against which to evaluate the cause and direction of change in the marine environment. They can also inform which management measures are appropriate, and determine ...
    • IQOE ‐ Inventory of existing standards for observations of sound in the ocean. Draft. Version 06 April 2018. 

      International Quiet Ocean Experiment WG on Standardization (International Quiet Ocean Experiment, 2018)
      The overview below presents international and national standards relevant for observations of sound in the ocean
    • Evolving and Sustaining Ocean Best Practices Workshop 15 – 17 November 2017 Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission, Paris, France: Proceedings. 

      Simpson, Pauline; Pearlman, Francoise; Pearlman, Jay (AtlantOS/ODIP/OORCN Ocean Best Practices Working Group, 2018)
      There is an ever-present need for the dissemination and uptake of best practices in the multidisciplinary field of ocean observation. However, the complexity of this domain and the diversity of its stakeholders make ...
    • Installation of autonomous underway pCO2 instruments onboard ships of opportunity. 

      Pierrot, D.; Steinhoff, T. (NOAA Atlantic Oceanographic and Meteorological Laboratory, Miami, Florida, 2019)
      The oceans are the largest sustained sink of anthropogenic carbon with a flux into the ocean of about 2.4 1015 grams, or 2.4 gigatons, of carbon annually, thereby partially mitigating the rapid increase of this climate-forcing ...
    • Evolving and Sustaining Ocean Best Practices Workshop II, 04– 06 December 2018, Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission, Paris, France: Proceedings. 

      Simpson, Pauline; Pearlman, Francoise; Pearlman, Jay (UNESCO/IOC/IODE for the AtlantOS/ODIP/OORCN Ocean Best Practices Working Group, Oostende, Belgium, 2019)
      It is important to appreciate that ocean observing is more than just taking observations at sea. Only by considering a need for observing and by making sure that information (including observations) can be merged into a ...
    • Disrupting data sharing for a healthier ocean. 

      Pendleton, Linwood H.; Beyer, Hawthorne; Estradivari; Grose, Susan O.; Hoegh-Guldberg, Ove; Karcher, Denis B.; Kennedy, Emma; Llewellyn, Lyndon; Nys, Cecile; Shapiro, Aurelie; Jain, Rahul; Kuc, Katarzyna; Leatherland, Terry; O’Hainnin, Kira; Olmedo, Guillermo; Seow, Lynette; Tarsel, Mick (2019)
      Ocean ecosystems are in decline, yet we also have more ocean data, and more data portals, than ever before. To make effective decisions regarding ocean management, especially in the face of global environmental change, we ...
    • Evolving and Sustaining Ocean Best Practices and Standards for the Next Decade. 

      Pearlman, Jay; Bushnell, Mark; Coppola, Laurent; Karstensen, Johannes; Buttigieg, Pier Luigi; Pearlman, Francoise; Simpson, Pauline; Barbier, Michele; Muller-Karger, Frank E.; Munoz-Mas, Cristian; Pissierssens, Peter; Chandler, Cyndy; Hermes, Juliet; Heslop, Emma; Jenkyns, Reyna; Achterberg, Eric P.; Bensi, Manuel; Bittig, Henry C.; Blandin, Jerome; Bosch, Julie; Bourles, Bernard; Bozzano, Roberto; Buck, Justin J. H.; Burger, Eugene F.; Cano, Daniel; Cardin, Vanessa; Charcos Llorens, Miguel; Cianca, Andrés; Chen, Hua; Cusack, Caroline; Delory, Eric; Garello, Rene; Giovanetti, Gabriele; Harscoat, Valerie; Hartman, Susan; Heitsenrether, Robert; Jirka, Simon; Lara-Lopez, Ana; Lantéri, Nadine; Leadbetter, Adam; Manzella, Giuseppe; Maso, Joan; McCurdy, Andrea; Moussat, Eric; Ntoumas, Manolis; Pensieri, Sara; Petihakis, George; Pinardi, Nadia; Pouliquen, Sylvie; Przeslawski, Rachel; Roden, Nicholas P.; Silke, Joe; Tamburri, Mario N.; Tang, Hairong; Tanhua, Toste; Telszewski, Maciej; Testor, Pierre; Thomas, Julie; Whoriskey, Fred (2019)
      The oceans play a key role in global issues such as climate change, food security, and human health. Given their vast dimensions and internal complexity, efficient monitoring and predicting of the planet’s ocean must be ...
    • Towards a Best Practice for Developing Best Practices in Ocean Observation (BP4BP): Supporting Methodological Evolution through Actionable Documentation, 

      Horstmann, Cora; Buttigieg, Pier Luigi; Simpson, Pauline; Pearlman, Jay; Karstensen, J.; Waite, Anya M. (UNESCO, Paris, France, 2020)
      In this document, we provide details on how to best use the Ocean Best Practices System (OBPS) templates, thus allowing greater discovery, machine readability, sharing and understandability of methods and best practices ...