⇒ EU: European Union
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OpenFairViewer: a FAIR, ISO and OGC (meta)data compliant GIS data viewer for browsing, accessing and sharing geo-referenced data.
(Zenodo, 2023)The OpenFairViewer is an HTML5/JS map viewer application developed to adopt the FAIR Data principles, while complying with ISO/OGC standards for geospatial data. It enables data findn, access, query and sharing of geospatial ... -
Monitoring Guidance for Underwater Noise in European Seas, Part III: Background Information and Annexes,
(Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg, 2014)The Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) requires European Member States (MS) to develop strategies for their marine waters that should lead to programmes of measures that achieve or maintain Good Environmental ... -
Threshold Values for Marine Litter.
(Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg, 2020)The revised Commission Decision 2017/848/EU requires EU Member States to establish threshold values for criteria of Descriptor 10 on marine litter. Threshold values, which are now mandatory through the new provisions, are ... -
Monitoring marine litter impacts on sea turtles. Protocol for the collection of data on ingestion and entanglement in the loggerhead turtle (Caretta caretta Linnaeus, 1758). Version 1.
(INDICIT Consortium, France, 2018)The following protocol is intended to respond to the MSFD requirements for the indicator 10.2.1 “Trends in the amount and composition of litter ingested by marine animals”. The INDICIT program proposed marine turtles as ... -
QuietMED D3.5 Best practice guidelines on continuous underwater noise measurement (criterion D11C2).
(quietMED, 2018)This document is the Deliverable “D3.5 Best practice guidelines on continuous underwater noise monitoring (criterion D11C2)” of the QUIETMED project funded by the DG Environment of the European Commission within the call ... -
MEDITS-Handbook. Version n. 9, 2017.
(MEDITS Project, 2017)This document is the ninth version of the first manual elaborated in the frame of the MEDITS international project to harmonise the sampling of demersal resources in the Mediterranean Sea. It is the reference document for ... -
Best practices and common trends of national research infrastructure roadmapping procedures, Monitoring and Evaluation mechanisms including recommendations (D3.4).
(InRoad Project, Brussels, Belgium, 2018)The InRoad Consultation Report and InRoad Compendium provide an overview of national RI roadmapping processes. The data collected revealed a great diversity of purposes and scopes of national RI roadmapping processes in ... -
Report of the ESFRI Working Group on Monitoring of Research Infrastructures Performance (WG Monitoring).
(European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures (ESFRI), 2019)Following the invitation by the Competitiveness Council of 29 May 2018, the European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures (ESFRI) established a Working Group (WG) to develop a common approach across Research ... -
Guidelines on Cost Estimation of Research Infrastructures.
(Support to Reinforce the European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures (StR-ESFRI), 2019)These guidelines are developed in the framework of the StR-ESFRI project (Support to Reinforce the European Strategy Forum for Research Infrastructures), to provide a conceptual and methodological tool for c ... -
A status assessment of selected data synthesis products for ocean biogeochemistry,
(2023)Ocean data synthesis products for specific biogeochemical essential ocean variables have the potential to facilitate today’s biogeochemical ocean data usage and comply with the Findable Accessible Interoperable and ... -
A guide on Fish Welfare in Spanish Aquaculture - Volume 1: Concepts and generalities.
(Spanish Aquaculture Business Association (APROMAR), Madrid, Spain, 2022)The elaboration of this guide on fish welfare in Spanish aquaculture is important to fix concepts, establish common bases and develop the first consensual guidelines on animal welfare. The document provides information on ... -
Procedure for ongoing collection and collation of European Polar observing capacities and activities, WP 6 – European Polar Coordination Office Deliverable No D6.1.
(EU-PolarNet 2 Consortium, Brmerhaven, Germany, 2022)A diverse and distributed range of existing polar observing facilities and activities could be better utilised to address societally relevant scientific problems. The fundamental challenge related to the utilisation of ... -
Integrated report on design of innovative coastal structures and best practices for coastal defence. Results from numerical, experimental and prototype testing. THESEUS Deliverable OD2.7.
(Italy, 2012)General aim of WP2 was the development of innovative “climate proof” defence methods for mitigation of coastal flooding and erosion hazards in the context of increasing storminess and sea level rise (scenarios defined ... -
AtlantOS D7.1: Data Harmonization Report: Report containing recommendation on data harmonization.
(University of Bremen, 2016)AtlantOS WP7 is dedicated to improve harmonization of data management procedures, and thereby improve the quality, interoperability and discoverability of data resources in AtlantOS. To improve harmonization, AtlantOS WP7 ... -
Evaluation of a crowd sourced bathymetric approach.
(2022)Crowd-Sourced Bathymetry is the process of generating a harbor chart through collecting, enriching, processing, and aggregating depth (and other) measurements from a host of vessels, using standard navigation instruments, ... -
SeaDataNet data management protocols for glider data. D9.14, Version 1.2.
(SeaDataNet, 2019)The purpose of this document is to: i) ensure that SeaDataNet partners exposed to glider data are aware of glider data management best practice and have the knowledge needed to assimilate glider data into SeaDataNet and ... -
ESFRI Roadmap 2021 - Strategy Report on Research Infrastructures, Part 1.
(ESFRI Secretariat, Luxembourg, 2021)The ESFRI Roadmap 2021 is the sixth edition of the document, which has been influencing the European and national RIs strategies, policies and funding since 2006. ESFRI periodically updates its Roadmap to provide a ... -
Quality Control of Biogeochemical Measurements, Version 7,1.
(Copernicus Marine Environment Monitoring Service, 2021)An important step within CMEMS is to harmonize existing quality control and quality assurance procedures of the different areas involved. As the Copernicus service is thought to be available at any time and open to anyone, ... -
A practical guide to DNA-based methods for biodiversity assessment.
(Pensoft Advanced Books, Sofia, Bulgaria, 2021)This book represents a synthesis of knowledge and best practice in the field of DNA-based biomonitoring at the time of writing. It has been written with end-users of molecular tools in mind, as well as those who are new ... -
INTAROS Community-based Monitoring Experience Exchange Workshop Report, Fairbanks, Alaska, May 10, 2017.
(Yukon River Inter-Tribal Watershed Council (YRITWC), University of Alaska Fairbanks, ELOKA, and INTAROS (Integrated Arctic Observing System), Fairbanks, Alaska, USA, 2017)The workshop “Engaging Community-based Monitoring in Decision-Making and Assessment” was held May 10, 2017, in Fairbanks, Alaska. It offered an opportunity for practitioners of community-based monitoring (CBM) and observing ...