Browsing ⇒ EU: European Union by Title
Now showing items 1-20 of 120
10 Best Practices for Exploitation Strategy for Horizon 2020 Projects: How to turn your ideas into business.
(European Commission, Luxembourg, 2019)Be clear and focused: Your Plan for the Exploitation and Dissemination of Results (PEDR) includes different elements. Ensure that the differences between activities related to communication, dissemination and exploitation ... -
AQUACOSM: Network of Leading European AQUAtic MesoCOSM Facilities, Deliverable No 4.1: Standardised protocols (SOPs) on data collection, data quality and assurances and processing. Version 1.4.
(Forschungsverbund Berlin e.V. - Leibniz-Institut für Gewässerökologie und Binnenfischerei, Berlin, Germany, 2017)This Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) describes methods for sampling, and analysis of phytoplankton from mesocosm experiments carried out in all aquatic environments (fresh and marine waters). It gathers best practice advice ... -
AtlantOS D7.1: Data Harmonization Report: Report containing recommendation on data harmonization.
(University of Bremen, 2016)AtlantOS WP7 is dedicated to improve harmonization of data management procedures, and thereby improve the quality, interoperability and discoverability of data resources in AtlantOS. To improve harmonization, AtlantOS WP7 ... -
Best Practice Data Standards for Discrete Chemical Oceanographic Observations.
(2022)Effective data management plays a key role in oceanographic research as cruisebased data, collected from different laboratories and expeditions, are commonly compiled to investigate regional to global oceanographic ... -
Best practices and common trends of national research infrastructure roadmapping procedures, Monitoring and Evaluation mechanisms including recommendations (D3.4).
(InRoad Project, Brussels, Belgium, 2018)The InRoad Consultation Report and InRoad Compendium provide an overview of national RI roadmapping processes. The data collected revealed a great diversity of purposes and scopes of national RI roadmapping processes in ... -
Best Practices for Fisheries Management.
(Baltic Sea 2020, Stockholm, Sweden, 2009)There is currently a window of opportunity to influence the Common Fisheries Policy (CFP) in Europe, as the European Commission will initiate a reform process, beginning in April 2009 with the publication of a Green Paper. ... -
Best practices for implementing the STAVIRO underwater video protocol. [VIDEO]
(French Institute for the Exploitation of the Sea (Ifremer) and and Ocean Best Practices System, Brest, France, 2022)Essential Biodiversity variables (EBV) related to benthic habitats and high trophic levels such as fish communities must be measured at fine scale but monitored and assessed at spatial scales that are relevant for policy ... -
Best practices for marine litter reduction in the EU.
(VU University, Institute for Environmental Studies, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2015)CleanSea partners catalogued and evaluated the potential of voluntary institutional arrangements, understood here as good and best practices, in reducing marine litter in the four European regional seas. Good practices ... -
Best Practices in Citizen Science for Environmental Monitoring: Commission Staff Working Document.
(European Commission, Luxembourg, 2020)The volume of environmental knowledge generated by citizen science initiatives across the EU offers a unique opportunity to help deliver on the European Green Deal and other EU (and global) priorities, and to involve the ... -
BIAS Implementation Plan – Monitoring and assessment guidance for continuous low frequency sound in the Baltic Sea.
(Swedish Defence Research Agency (FOI), Sweden, 2016)The BIAS Implementation Plan describes a regional programme for monitoring underwater ambient noise in the Baltic Sea. The programme combined measurements and modelling and was successfully implemented in 2012-2016 within ... -
A Catalogue of Marine Biodiversity Indicators.
(2016)A Catalogue of Marine Biodiversity Indicators was developed with the aim of providing the basis for assessing the environmental status of the marine ecosystems. Useful for the implementation of the Marine Strategy Framework ... -
Commission Decision of 1 September 2010 on criteria and methodological standards on good environmental status of marine waters (notified under document C(2010) 5956) (Text with EEA relevance) (2010/477/EU).
(2010)Having regard to the Directive 2008/56/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 17 June 2008 establishing a framework for community action in the field of marine environmental policy (Marine Strategy Framework ... -
Continuous Harmonics Analysis of Sea Level Measurements: Description of a new method to determine sea level measurement tidal component.
(Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg, 2016)Removing the tidal component from sea level measurement in the case of Tropical Cyclones or Tsunami is very important to distinguish the tide contribution from the one of the Natural events. The report describes the ... -
Creating a weekly Harmful Algal Bloom bulletin. Version 1.0. [Best Practice Description Document]
(Marine Institute, Galway, Ireland, 2018)This document describes the procedural steps in creating an information product focused on toxic and harmful phytoplankton. The product is an online Harmful Algal Bloom (HAB) bulletin for aquaculturists, who can face serious ... -
Cross-border cooperation in Maritime Spatial Planning . Final Report.
(Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg, 2017)The ‘Study on International Best Practices for Cross-Border MSP’ has been designed to assist the European Commission (EC) and Member States in the implementation of the MSP Directive through the identification of good ... -
Cruise Expedition Monitoring Workshop and Dialogue - Seminar: On improving and expanding the environmental monitoring efforts of cruise ships in the Arctic, March 7-8 2019, Longyearbyen, Svalbard.
(INTAROS H2020 Project (GA No. 727890), Bergen, Norway, 2019)The objectives of the workshop is to jointly develop a cruise expeditions’ Arctic environmental monitoring program comprising dedicated citizen science programs. The workshop is part of the INTAROS WP4 on Community-based ... -
CRYOMAR Protocol Toolbox. V.0. ASSEMBLE Plus, Deliverable 8.2.
(Universidade de Vigo for ASSEMBLE+, 2020)The aim of this report is to publish cryopreservation protocols developed and or standardized due to the Work Package 8 (JRA 2 CRYOMAR) coordinated research effort in cryobiology applied to the marine environment, as ... -
D1.2 Specification report of common test protocols and inter-comparison methodologies. Work Package 1 – New Sensor technologies: innovation and services.
(Envriplus, 2019)The content of the present reports highlights a specific use case specified at the beginning of ENVRIplus project, the measurement of the pCO2 concentration from the air-sea interface to the bottom of the Ocean. The ... -
Data Management Handbook. Atlantos WP7, Deliverable D7.4. Version 1.
(AtlantOS, 2016)he H2020 AtlantOS project aims to optimize and enhance the Integrated Atlantic Ocean Observing System. One goal is to ensure that data from different and diverse in-situ observing Networks are readily accessible and useable ... -
Decision Making and Coastal Risks: A Good Practice Guide.
(Atlantic Network for Coastal Risks Management, 2017)The objective of this handbook is to provide a Good Practice Guide to facilitate the inclusion of coastal risk into decisions made in the coastal zone. This handbook is aimed at those involved in coastal planning and ...